The Ancestors Message Tarot Reading Guide and Spread to improve your life.

Lately, the feeling that history is repeating itself has become a latent concern for the collective, because it seems that we, as humanity, might be repeating the same mistakes our ancestors did that eventually led to their downfall. 

So with that in mind, on this post you will find two Ancestors Message Tarot Reading spreads to bring clarity, guidance, and insights into your life to improve and do things better this time. 

But what or who is your Ancestor?

An ancestor is a person, from who you descend, and who is usually passed away, but not necessarily all the time because the first ancestor you have is your Mom and Dad who proceeded you, followed by your grandparents and so on going through your Genealogy and down the rabbit hole.

So in a nutshell an Ancestor is someone who was here before you. 

And now comes the question, What is an Ancestor Tarot Reading? 

And Ancestors Message Tarot Reading is a spiritual practice in which Tarot Cards are used to connect with your Ancestors so they can communicate with you and bring you clarity, guidance or share the lessons and experiences they lived with you so you can have their ancient knowledge to navigate through life. 

On an Ancestors Tarot Reading you can receive first hand information and insights based on the life of your ancestors that will provide experience and wisdom to your life. 

And here are two Ancestors Message Tarot Reading Spread to scoop that information. 

 3 Cards Ancestors Tarot Reading Spread

This is a basic spread that will provide you with the message that your ancestors want you to know to improve your life. 

The First Card will represent your Ancestor's Energy. It will show you where they stand and what are their feelings and thoughts towards you or the actions and decisions that you are making. 

The Second Card will represent what your Ancestors want you to know. This card will bring you the insights, clarity, and guidance that your ancestors want you to receive based on the current situations you are facing in life.  

The Third Card will represent the Special Message of your Ancestors: Usually this card brings some words of empowerment and good vibes to motivate you to keep going and do things right. 

This quick 3 card spread will give you a clear and direct message from your ancestors with guidance into your life. 

You can give it a try with your Tarot Cards at home or book a session with me to discover the message your ancestors want you to know by clicking here.

But if you want to dig deeper into your Ancestors' Ancient Knowledge and lessons you can try this spread instead:

5 Cards Ancestors Message Tarot Reading

This is a more in-depth spread that will give you a broader insight and message for your Ancestors. 

As before The First Card will represent your Ancestor's Energy. It will show you where they stand and what are their feelings and thoughts towards you or the actions and decisions that you are making. 

But in this case, The Second Card will represent their ancient knowledge, and it will give you some insights about their life and the mistakes and lessons they learned the hard way so you don't have to repeat them. 

The Third Card will represent what your Ancestors want you to know. This card will bring you the insights, clarity, and guidance that your ancestors want you to receive based on the current situations you are facing in life. 

The Fourth Card will represent the Special Message of your Ancestors: Usually this card brings some words of empowerment and good vibes to motivate you to keep going and do things right. 

The Fifth Card will represent what you need to Keep in Mind in order for you to shine and succeed in life, and this card brings extra messages and guidance that will help you navigate through life in the near future. 

This spread connects you more with your ancestors by showing you a peek into their journey here on earth and how they learned their lessons, which at the same time provides deeper insight, guidance, and advice to your life. 

You can give it a try with your Tarot Cards at home or book a session with me to discover the message your ancestors want you to know by clicking here.

So if you want to tap into the Ancient Knowledge of your Ancestors to discover the special message, guidance, clarity or advice they can bring into your life use these spreads. 

And remember those who are able to learn from others, will do better and get further in life. 

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