How to Identify a Real Tarot Reader - 5 Ways to Spot Legit Psychics and Spiritual Coachs

Picking the right Tarot Reader for you is going to mark a huge difference in your life because depending on the realness o the messages you receive, they can either help you improve your life or confuse you even more in your journey. 

So here are 5 ways for you to identify a Legit Tarot Reader, so that the next time you need a Tarot Reading or any type of Spiritual Service, you can know better and pick the right one for you.

1. Legit Tarot Readers wait for their clients to come to them.

A Real Tarot Reader will NEVER slide into your Direct Messages or Reach you Directly offering their services or telling you that their ancestors have a message for you they will only deliver if you book a session with them.

Because Legit Tarot Readers wait for you to come to them.

2. Legit Tarot Readers wait for the client to ask for more services.

A Real Tarot Reader will NEVER try to upsell their services or play nasty marketing techniques on you to fill their pockets with your money. 

So be doubtful and weary of Tarot Readers who right after finishing the reading offer you to conduct expensive spells, rituals, cleanses, lift curses, or cut ties they "saw" in your session and which only they can do. Since most likely they just want to make the most money out of you.

Because even tho Legit Tarot Readers could use advertising to promote their services, we always wait for the client or customer to ask about them, without shoving our services down their throat.

3. Legit Tarot Readers have affordable prices.

A Real Tarot Reader is conscious that everyone should be able to receive the message the Universe and the Cards have for them. So Legit Tarot Readers try to keep their prices affordable and balanced with their time, work, energy, and knowledge.

Just because a Tarot Reader is expensive doesn’t mean that he or she is good.

All the contrary, when you book a reading with expensive Tarot Readers, you end up paying more for their fame than for the actual Message of the Universe.

So don't let prices fool you.

4. Legit Tarot Readers show themselves.

A Real Tarot Reader is not afraid to show their face, who they are, what they do, how they do it, and when they do it. 

Because we, legit tarot readers, understand that our image is the best business card we have; so we show ourselves as real as we are.

That is why you should always try to pick a reader who shows themselves and avoid readers who hide under an avatar or anime profile pic because you don’t know who that person might be or what their intentions could be.

5. Legit Tarot Readers are able to explain the reasoning behind the messages they deliver.

And the best way to know if a Tarot Reader is Legit or not is by asking them a simple question:

“How do you know that?” Or “From where are you pulling this information?”

Because Legit Tarot Readers base the message they deliver in their readings on what they see or feel in the cards, and a Real Tarot Reader would be ecstatic to answer those questions and to see you more involved in the reading.


That's why a Real Tarot Reader should always be able to give you a straight answer to those questions and explain what points, signs, or elements from the cards they took into consideration to say what they said in the reading.

But if a reader tries to avoid those questions or just gives you vague answers, doubt their legitimacy, because most likely they are just making things up, and telling you the things you want to hear instead of what the cards are really showing.

And those are the tips or points to keep in consideration when picking your Reader and remember that these tips apply not only to Tarot Readers but also to all kinds of Psychics, Astrologers, and Spiritual Coaches. 

So be wiser, trust your intuition, and don't let yourself be fooled by internet scammers or fake gurus. 

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